Accord Software, Inc.

Developing a CIDL Specification

As a developer you already know how to develop CIDL Specification. It is just that you did not know you were doing it!

This part of application development is the same as you are currently used to. All the files are eventually linked into a single a.out executable. The figure below illustrates a trivial example of tutorial add, which initially is a single process application.

At this stage of distributed application development, the only requirement is that all functions which are intended to become part of a server be placed in a separate C source file. That is, the intention here is to partition the application such that add function becomes part of a server process.

In this case function add is placed in file add.c which is a CIDL Specification for the add application. Each externally visible function in the CIDL Specification file is later targeted to become an Internet Function Call, IFC.

If you look at main.c and add.c, they are simple files and there is nothing new to learn.
[P-083] Updated March 14, 1996
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